Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Baby Coop!

Well, I'm 36.5 weeks pregnant and today we confirmed my husband's suspicions that the baby is breech! Not just breech, but in a "u" shape with his head and his feet pointing up. I am a little disappointed by the news as I don't want a c-section, but it looks like I might have to have one. They will check again next week when I'm one day shy of 38 weeks and will make an offical plan from there.

The painters came on Monday and started painted the children's room - We are painting Selah's room from the nursery green (that was her room, Jonah's room, and Havana's room as an infant) to a light sage with hot pink closets and black trim. She has moved into H's old crib and H is in a new bed that Jason built (she isn't in it yet... waiting on the painters... so she is sleeping on the floor). Once the room and bed are painted havana will move in there and the girls will be sharing a room.

Jonah will be moving into H's old room. It was pink, but the painters are painting it blue with red trim and we are putting up pictures of fire trucks, airplanes, and other modes of transportations because Jonah is obsessed with them! He will keep his same crib for a while.

After he moves into that room, we can begin getting ready for baby coop. Coop will sleep in our infant crib (which all the kids have slept in) and will be in Jonah's old room (blue walls with a sports theme). I haven't washed any clothes or gotten anything ready for the baby because I feel like I can't until the other children are all moved into their rooms. Hoping the painters finish soon! Lots to do and it looks like only 2 weeks or so to complete it in! Ah! Praying little breech man doesn't come early. ha.

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