Friday, April 20, 2012

That funny son!

J-man is obsessed with picking his nose and eating his boogers (yummy), he also does not like a runny nose and so will wipe it with his hand, but then he will hold out his hand and say, "Nose" - he is asking us to wipe his hand, but he says nose because the snot came from his nose.

He can also spell his name! But, that is the only thing he can spell! So any letters he sees: in books, on our shirts, on his juice box... every word is apparently spelled, "J-O-N-A-H"

Jonah used to pronounce Havana "a-nana" but now he says "ha-nana" - sooo cute! Selah is still "seyah"

Jonah is such a special boy! The other day he led me in a worship time in his room. I was snuggling him before bed and I asked him if he wanted to sing a song. He replied yes and so I asked him which song and he said "Jesus loves me." - so we sang it once and the on the second round I changed it to "Jesus loves Jonah" - he then sang four more verses of it where he sang that Jesus loves Havana, Selah, daddy, and tucker (no, I didn't make the list :), and I found myself raising my hand and agreeing in my spirit! The love of Christ brought me to tears through a simple song! I'm so thankful for that special time with my son and my Lord!