Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rock in Where?!

Recently we went for a family walk and stopped at the tennis courts to let the children run around. At one point Havana ran up to me crying and saying, "oh no, my nose!" I saw a small scratch on her nose and so told her it would get better soon. However, she would not calm down and she kept saying that "she wanted it off" -- Jason and I tried to reassure her that it was simply a scratch and that we couldn't take it off. Havana never regained self control and so we packed everyone up and walked back home. On the walk back home I kept encouraging her to gain self control and told her we could get her an ice cube for her nose once we arrived back home.

I stayed outside with Jonah and Selah while Jason took Havana inside for her ice cube. Jason has a way of calming her down so I figured he would be able to handle everything. A few minutes later Jason came out holding Havana who was still crying. He looked at me and said, "she has a rock stuck up her nose."


Jason noticed it when he was holding her and she kept saying "I want it off" and "Oh my nose." She was so anxious about it all that he couldn't successfully retrieve it. We looked at the clock - it was about 7:30pm and Jason had about 30 minutes before he had to leave for work. Jason tried a few techniques to get it out (blowing in her mouth while holding her other nostril) and nothing seemed to work. Havana was screaming at this point and was very anxious. I began to tell her that I was going to have to take her to the hospital. I spent a few minutes calling around trying to find a babysitter for the two little ones so that I could take Havana to the ER. We agreed that Kosairs would be a better bet than Jason's hospital because someone was going to have to put her under and a child friendly hospital was just the way to go.

I was nervous about having to deal with Havana by myself and trying to find someone to watch the children. I think through an act of God, about 10 minutes before Jason had to leave - he simply was able to reach out and take the rock out. Instantly Havana was better. Jason and I both breathed a sigh of relief. He apologized for leaving me with three crying children, but I laughed and said, "This I can handle. An ER trip - no." 

On a somewhat spiritual note, we had previously made plans to anoint Jonah's room (he's been undergoing some spiritual warfare which I will blog about soon...) that night and so Jason left for work a little late because he wanted to get it done and didn't know if the whole rock scenario was Satan trying to keep us from doing what we had planned to do. Well, Satan lost, the room was anointed! :)

The rock that was up H's nose on 3/13/12

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