Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Dear Hezekiah (2nd Birthday Letter)

Oh what do I say to my sweet baby who is now TWO years old?! 

You are one of a kind, buddy... so incredibly smart and your vocabulary is off the charts. You are a bubbly boy who loves to play games and chit chat. You also LOVE to read books. You had a Thomas birthday party and love trains (that you call choo-choo trucks and when you play trains you call them "tunnels").

There isn't a day that goes by that you don't make me laugh out loud with your funny sayings or expressions. You are slightly on the dramatic side. You will ask a question and after I tell you my answer you will always go, "Oh yeah... and then repeat my answer"

Before we moved out of the old house, your sleep patterns were terrible... but once we moved in here they were better. I honestly think that is because you wanted to be with your brothers. You are very aware of what is going on around you -- even in the next room. And you certainly graduated from your crib before your 2nd birthday since you learned to escape from it! 

Right before you turned two, you began talking about yourself as "Kiah" -- and you still do. I have still resisted that change and call you "Hezei" but you refer to yourself and Kiah and most likely always will. It's cute that you came up with it on your own. 

You love peek-a-boo and hide and seek. You can count to twenty and know many of your letters. You also love to tell jokes. Your favorite goes like this...
Knock, knock
who's there?
Nemo who?


You repeat anything anyone says... and you love to do things on your own. 

You are learning all about obeying right away and how you aren't in charge... not your favorite, but you're making progress. You are also learning how to say great prayers and sing to Jesus. 

You enjoyed a day at Holiday World- riding your first coaster ride -- but the next day you vomited a lot. Your food allergies are still really bad. We are praying they go away soon, but even still you are in the 90th percentile for weight. 

You can be snuggly when you are shy or being corrected... and you have mastered the art of sticking out your lower lip. You have picked up on things like huffing and puffing and stomping out of a room, which I don't think you know what they mean but you always do them perfectly. You still have your "lovey" which is endearing... as well as your thumb sucking. 

I asked God the other day if you were going to be our last... should I be savoring this season more. He very clearly said "I'm not going to tell you" -- and so I look at you with wonder and awe. I'm so thankful for the way God made you and I can't wait to see what He has in store for you. I love you.


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