Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Dear Selah (5th Birthday Letter)

Dear Selah,

Ah, yes, I'm a little late in writing this! I hope you know how special you are. I often call you "sugars" because you are just so sweet, but I often tell people that you are my "Queen Esther" -- beautiful, feminine, and you love all things princesses. 

When you turned five we were in the midst of a crazy move... but you enjoyed a pool party and were flexible and positive even though we couldn't swim because of a crazy chemical mishap the pool was closed that day. You had an ariel "under the sea" theme which is funny because you have never ever seen the movie. 

You are such a smart and articulate little girl. You enjoy dressing up, playing games and princesses, and "huggles and snuggles" as you call them. For your birthday we took you to the mall and let you pick out clothes and jewelry -- and ride on one of those overpriced stuffed animals. You loved it all. 

You have a great love for pandas.

You were sad you were not able to start school this year. The night before the big kids left you cried and cried because your birthday 'wasn't early enough" -- but I've enjoyed having you home one more year. 

You often take a maternal tone with your siblings and it cracks me up. You also remind me a lot of me... which is kind of fun and scary at the same time. 

You still love to spin and dance... in fact your dance recital was in June and your group did "If You're Happy and You Know it." You did excellent. 

At Bible study this year you met a little girl named Reagan who is nine and became your best friend. You always looked forward to seeing her. 

A few months ago I took you to Sister's Tea Parlor where we had a nice little tea lunch. You enjoyed it, but didn't like any of the teas! 

At 4 y/o you had a hard time understanding how long a day lasted, so we had to measure time in "sleeps" for you - ex. "4 more sleeps until your birthday or 9 more sleeps until christmas."

When I tell you no... you often ask me if you can do that thing when you are a mommy. You even declared the other day that you will feed your children chicken nuggets every day.

The other day I got in the car and you and Asa were talking about how you will get married when you grow up (you go back and forth between him and Jonah)... and you all were talking about how you will snuggle a lot. It was cute and I liked what you thought marriage was all about saying you would have "lots of fun."

You are pretty prefect, little girl. You still struggle with eczema -- and even have some behind your ears. We call those your "crusties" and I always pick at them. Once you told me to leave them alone because Jesus gave them to you. 

My prayer is that you will always love Jesus with a sincere faith. And that he will push you out of your comfort zone. You tend to not like germs or other people (or other's people food if I ever offer you something off of someone's plate). You struggle a bit with Hezekiah in that regards. So, sweet girl, I'm praying for you to be stretched. You have such a sweet, Others-centered heart... I love watching you do and say kind things to the people around you. You really are setting an example for our whole family. 

Thanks for being my sweet princess. I love you!


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