Friday, January 1, 2016

Havana's 7th Birthday Letter

Dear Havana,

Last year I wrote your birthday letter to you on January 15th and said I would need to be more prompt. I'm hoping January 1st counts. Eek, sorry honey. I have thought about what to say for so long, but really there is so much I want to say that it is hard for me to accurately write it down... and the thought of coming up short from what's in my heart keeps me from writing, but here I am... let's do this.

First, I just want to tell you that I love you very, very much. You told me tonight as I was tucking you in bed that you don't feel special around Selah... I talked to you about not believing the lies of Satan, but to always know that You, just as you are, are special to God, mommy and daddy. You seem to struggle with having to prove yourself... you have to be the winner of the game or you have to figure out homework problems on your own... I think it the first-born in you, but I also am praying for you as I fear it might be some pride dwelling up in  your heart. At one point this year I told you I was your mom and that I'm here to help... you sat down and wrote me a note that said, "Dear Mom, You can help me by letting me do it by myself." When we took you rollerskating for your seventh birthday date you didn't want to skate holding our hands, but figuring it out on your own. I'm praying that I will know how to direct, channel, and correct (when needed) that attitude of yours. But as I do, know that you are loved completely.

Over the past year you have continued to excel and grow. You finished Kindergarten in May and are loving going to school three days a week. You enjoyed a trip to the beach where you loved finding sea shells and we even found a sand dollar (not to mention touch a beached shark!).

You were in a ballet recital... you did awesome dancing to "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and I loved watching you excel. I'm also excited that you began piano... you have such a love for music and I'm glad we are honing in on that at an early age.

You have been growing in your faith, reading the Bible and asking really great questions like how do we know God is real and not just a made up story. You have been seeking God, clinging to Him, and falling in love with his word. You are thinking about the stories... and placing yourself in them. I love it and pray that His Word is taking root in your heart and will help you throughout the rest of your life. You are saying amazing prayers! I love your faith...

You have developed a similar passion to your mama, Scrapbooking. For your 7th birthday I gave you lots of scrapbook supplies and you have been hard at work. You are very artsy and very good. I love that you will have your own books, and it is fun to spend time together doing something we both enjoy.

Over the year you have lost three teeth (maybe four?) and while you do get anxious, it is just a reminder of all the rights of passage you are about to embark in. You are getting taller... another reminder of how you are growing up. You are developing more adult tastes like Panera over Panda Express...

You had a Pluto birthday this year. Your friend party was at the dance studio and sadly not many of your classmates came, but i think that was due to it being kind of last minute on a Sunday in Indiana. You enjoyed a grandparents party on Halloween and also a date with mommy and daddy. We picked you up from school, took you to JC Pennys to buy an outfit and take photos... then we ate at Panera and went to Jammers, the roller skating rink. Such fun.

You love arts and crafts and color for hours every week. This year you made everyone a Thanksgiving place mat where you told them you were thankful for them. It was very sweet and I loved seeing your heart enjoy doing things for others.

I will be honest, I don't know how this mother/daughter relationship is suppose to work, but I pray that we are  building an unshakable bond and that you know you can trust me... I'm hoping that through the years you see a mama who is getting better at loving you because I'm loving Christ more with each passing year. You are my special girl, Havana Corynne! I love you forever!

Your mama!

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