Saturday, January 23, 2016

Asa's 3rd birthday letter

Dear Asa,

Earlier this month, you turned 3 years old! You requested a Bubble Guppies party which was fun to have. Sadly, I'm noticing that I'm exhausted by the time your bday rolls around from Christmas... but I'm hoping that I can learn to prepare better in advance. I never want you to feel that your birthday isn't special because it is and you are.

You've had a fun year. You enjoy anything that the older kiddos do. Over the past year with ditched your paci, which was huge for you, moved you into a toddler bed, and semi-potty trained you. You faithfully go #2 on the potty, but for some strange reason still resist peeing on the potty. You took a trip to the beach where you despised the water but loved the sand. You enjoyed a day at Holiday World. You went trick-or-treating as Yoda and really love Captain America... in fact, you ran up to meet him at the zoo.

You're a funny boy... full of personality and manipulation. :) You love to kiss me when I'm correcting you and kiss me before you obey. This is rather scary that you know how to do this, but it is hard not to wear a big smile. My favorite place for your head to be in the crook of my neck...

You are a spunky little brother who loves to smother your siblings... or tackle them. You are an awesome older brother who is constantly kissing and snuggling Hezekiah. It's fun to have you as our 4th! God has placed you there for a reason. I remember once feeling so scared about how you would react to Heze... thinking you would be bitter towards him or want nothing to do with him... but you instantly loved him and have been looking out for him ever since. My heart swells when I see that.

You are growing up, using your words and becoming such a big boy. I'm proud of you and I love you. I want nothing more for your heart to be sold out the One who created you and that you will spend your days honoring him by the way you interact with your family. Thank you for being you, Asa Joash! This mama loves you!

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