Thursday, September 25, 2014

Name Troubles...

Okay, let me start out by saying that since Dakota's birth I have been struggling with a case of the "baby blues."  I am irritable and emotional... I seem to burst out into tears more than I care to admit. I'm not depressed, but certainly not myself.

I can't really pin point why... Perhaps hormones, lack of sleep, or a combo... Whatever the reason, it's real and I'm really ready to get over it. 

I mentioned before that I wanted to name our baby Hezekiah... I called him that while he was in my womb... Well, my grief process in getting over that name coupled with my baby blues has led this mama to a semi-crisis. I am not sure we named him the right name, but I don't feel like we can change it...

I love the name Dakota Lincoln... I think it is a very cute name. I like that with that name he has my initials which he will be the 4th generation to have DLD. I really like that and fear I will regret not having that if we should change his name. I also worry it would hurt my dad's feelings. I love the little boy (now teenager) named Dakota who. Was the ring bearer in our wedding. I would feel bad if changing his name was a disappointment to that family. My only struggle with the name Dakota is i am not sure it is "his" name... 

Hezekiah is an awesome king from the Bible... That's it. No personal connection or family story. I love that it is unique (more so than Dakota) and he won't get mistaken for a girl. However, while Jason is willing to change his name for me... He would prefer Dakota. My kids know Dakota's name... So I would feel incredibly selfish to change it when I alone am feeling like we might have made the wrong choice. I can't explain my connection to the name Hezekiah, but it is intense. I feel a loss when I think about not naming my baby that, but now that we've called him Dakota for three weeks I would feel a loss over that name too. Basically, I've made this a lose-lose situation and I really have no idea what to do. Jason is willing to support officially changing his name, but I don't know what to do, but feel bad either way. 

I mentioned changing his name to the kids and Havana and Selah came up with Dakiah... At this point, i am considering all possibilities. Ha. 


  1. I don't think the first time I type this it went through, so I'm going to try again.

    Both are beautiful names. Unfortunately, the decision really must be yours. No matter what you chose, it will not change who he is and what God has planned for him. Remember God is in the business of changing names. (Revelation 2:17) Praying God gives you peace with whatever decision you make.

  2. AH! I think my comment is going through either.

    Anyway, thanks for your comment. I appreciate your words. You share a lot of the same opinions as Jason... I do love the verse that you added in there though. Thanks again.

    1. I'm sure you thought of putting the names together too, but just in case Dakota Hezekiah has a nice ring as well. D.H Dugger...sounds like a doctor. ;)
