Sunday, October 6, 2013

Dear Asa

Dear Asa,

Tonight is Sunday, October 6th... this past Friday, October 4th, you turned 9 months old. I don't know where the time goes. It wasn't that long ago that you were merely my (breech) baby in the belly. Then you were born and time exploded... now you are my 9 month little dude. My heart aches and celebrates this... something you most likely won't understand until you are a parent yourself.

You remain my super content little boy. You honestly make life so easy because you are agreeable, flexible, and almost always smiling! I could snuggle you forever and so I delight in the fact that you are still somewhat of a snuggle bug!

You aren't crawling yet, but you do roll and lurch everywhere. There has been more than one occasion where I put you down in one room and then am totally surprised when I find you in a different room only a few minutes later.

You have two bottom teeth and a huge appetite. You eat anything I put in front of you - although the past few days you have been protesting the baby food and demanding solids. I'm okay with that! :)

You laugh and shriek at your siblings... you were so excited yesterday when we moved you to a new "big boy" carset... we have put away the baby boat, the boppy, the floor mats, and your swings. You have now officially outgrown the baby phase. Again, my heart celebrates and grieves this.

You struggled with sleep the first 8.5 months of your life, but now it seems that you have it down pat. I think you've been sleeping through the night for a week now! Ha. You struggled with spitting up the first 8.5 months of your life as well... projectile spit up was your signature until last week. Now, you have put away those childish things and moved on. ;) But even with the no sleep and the constant spit up... I could not have asked for a better 4th child than you. You are terrific!

I tell you every day that I am so lucky to be your mama... and it is true. I don't know how, out of all the mamas in the world, that God blessed me with YOU, Asa, but I am so glad that He did. You are a gift. A treasure. A someone I will never take for granted. I love you.


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