Monday, September 28, 2015

Dear Hezekiah

Dear Heze,

Last month you turned one!!! In some ways, your first year was more challenging than others: baby blues, name change, and all the food allergies. When you were 7 months we removed all dairy, gluten, orange/red/yellow foods from your diet (I stuck with you for a month but the cheese was calling...). You've broken out in lots of rashes and vomited up foods that are bad for you. But through it all, you've remained such a wonderful and happy little guy. You are laid back, sweet, and funny. You are crawling and cruising and only this week began to take steps. You have four teeth and four more are emerging. You've made two trips to Cincinnati and were a trooper through one beach vacation (you LOVE the beach). You love to play ball, with a tool bench, and you love to mimick us. If we cough, you cough. We make a noise, you try to make it back. Ever since you were little you and I talk to each other in growers and clicks. It's a cute language I kind of hope we keep. 

You are such a smart boy! You clean up when you see us cleaning, you are aware of the word no, and you know when you are being left out. (We call you "an angry elf" because you scream and protest when you are left out :). you enjoy trying to color or do whatever your siblings are doing. Most of the time you sleep very well- all through the night and 2 naps a day. You can say: mama, dada, done, baba, and oh-no. You can hold up
One finger when I ask you how old you are. And you can sign: eat, more, all done, and pray. 

The other night I was praying over you before bedtime, and you threw your bottle down and made your hands into the praying sign. I was blown away thinking about how much you know that I'm not even aware of. 

My heart broke for you during your one year check-up. They had to do a blood draw for your food allergies and to check for celiac. Your lower lip sticking out broke my heart. Your results came back that you are allergic to just about everything. The dr. Said, "I've never seen a baby light up the results like he did."  We knew something was not right and now we are praying for the wisdom to know what to feed you. I also pray you grow out of these. 

You are dearly loved, Hezekiah Jason, and I love having you a part of our family. 


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