Monday, January 7, 2013

First Night!

Well, we are all home!! Asa and I came home around 2pm today! It was very nice to all be together! I even made dinner from scratch! I could tell the older children really enjoyed us all being together.
Jonah was sweet always wanting to check in to see where Baby Asa was. Selah always wanted me to pick her up so she could look at him and she kept blowing him kisses! Havana was always very curious and wanted to hold him a lot! It was sweet. Asa is adjusting well and has been fairly consistent.
Tonight, it was about 9:30 by the time we got all three children down. They didn't sleep well for our babysitter and woke up really early for Jason. I was sure it was just their way of dealing with the change of mommy being gone and was hoping tonight would be smooth sailing... Not quite.
Asa has been great- I fed him around 10 and then I fell right to sleep. Jason had to get up with him and moved him from his crib to the swing because he slept better I woke up around 1:15 and fed Asa until about 2am. At 2;44, I woke up to Selah crying and while trying to comfort her woke up Havana. Thankfully Havana went right back to sleep, but I had to go get a sippy cup for Selah. Finally, she went back to bed and so did I. I heard her again close to 4, but woke Jason up to get her. Shortly there after, Asa woke up and so I changed his diaper and am currently feeding him. As I am doing so, Jason has had to get Selah... Again. Poor girl. Hopefully she is not getting sick and this is just her way of getting adjusted! Time will tell, but overall, I think things are going very well and I'm impressed with Asa's first night here!

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