Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lots of Growing Up!

Over the past 48 hours there has been lots and lots of changes around here and I'm not sure my mommy heart can take much more.

On Thursday, November 1st, Jonah (2.5) woke up and asked to go potty in the "big boy potty"  and asked to wear his big boy underwear. He potty trained himself instantly. I was shocked by it all because we have tried almost everything with Havana (4 years old) and she still isn't potty trained so the fact that he just decided he was no longer going to wear a diaper seemed too good to be true. He has had only a few small accidents and is very good about saying he has to go. Pooping, on the other hand, he hasn't mastered yet, but he still won't wear a diaper so that means messy underwear, but honestly, I can live with that. For two days straight he has peed on the potty, we've gone to playgroup and the grocery store and no public accidents. We will see what he does tomorrow at church, but I am so very proud of him.

Then, on Friday, Selah decided she was done sitting in her high chair and she wanted to sit at the table with a plate and fork like everyone else. She has been a challenge during meal time lately and so I figured "why not try." She loves her new booster seat and has eaten more in the past 24 hours than she has for the previous week. (We also bought her a stool for the bathroom so she can brush her teeth herself and she loves to stand on her stool while her siblings stand on theirs). She basically grew into a toddler overnight.

Today, Saturday, at the dinner table Havana asked me if she could have her milk in a "big girl cup" and not in a sippy cup. She did spill about half of it, but as I sat there at the dinner table I couldn't believe that my children were getting so big and making all of these changes so quickly. Ah, somebody stop time!!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW. lots of changes! All great ones too!! They do grow too fast!
