Thursday, October 27, 2011

Birthday Eve

Dear Havana, ,

Tomorrow you turn three. Three! I can't believe it. You are becoming such a beautiful girl - on the inside and the out. I spent a few minutes tonight just watching you on the video monitor after we put you to bed. You were laying with all your stuffed animals and you said, "Hello, my name is Havana. Hello, my name is Baby Jonah. Hello, my name is Baby Selah. ... Black/Brown/White/Pink/Red (all while doing the signs). ... God Loves Me. ... Black/Brown." Then you broke out in the veggie tales theme song. What a precious snap shot for me to remember as you close out your second year.
Riding a pony at the Jeff Fest - this photo ended up in the paper and in a magazine!

I certainly would never apply the term "terrible twos" to this past year with you. You've been such an amazing joy. Watching you grow, learn, conquer your fears, and share your feelings is truly a privilege. Your curiosity is ever increasing, your laughter is contagious, your speech is precious. I delight in watching you as the "big sister" and the heart you have for your family, your church, and the Lord often leave me in tears (the good kind of tears). You are so very precious - to God, to me, to your daddy, and to this world. God is going to use you in mighty ways and I can't wait to see what gifts and talents He has instilled in you. What a fun year your threes will be. Full of new challenges, I'm sure, but all that we will discover, all that you will accomplish... so excited.

I love you so much, baby girl! You are my special Havana and I seriously look at you and am humbled the Lord answered our prayers for a baby through YOU. He  clearly ordained YOU to be the oldest child in our home. You are a wonderful daughter and an amazing big sister. Please know I cherish every day with you.

Enjoying your birthday party! 

All my Love,
your mommy.

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