Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Okay, so deep down inside, I want to be better at this whole blogging thing. I enjoy reading other's blogs so much, but then when it comes time for me to type something - I don't feel like I have any thoughts that are really entertaining or enjoyable for others to read. I used to be an incredible at journaling. I would write in my journal every night for years with specific, detailed about what I did that day. Of course, those journals weren't published on the internet for all to read so I didn't really think about the thoughts I was writing down. Over the past few years I have become quite horrible at journaling and I'm realizing that while at one time I had an incredible memory - that is quickly fading with age. So... I want my blog to be my online journal. That way I have a way to write down special memories I might forget and I get in the habit of posting more on my blog... I do know that my day to day life and my thought life really aren't going to be interesting to very many people, but what the heck, I'm going to type and post anyway.

Something that has spurred this on is Havana. She does things each day that I think are so funny and cute and yet by the next day it seems I can't recall what she did that was so funny. I don't want to miss the opportunity to type those special moments out in order to help me remember and track her growth. This morning I was folding laundry and she was "helping" -- of course, by helping I mean that she was undoing everything I had done and making the task take three times as long, but I love every minute of it. :). Anyway, I shook a shirt to get the wrinkles out and I look over and Havana stops playing with the shirt she was trying to put on(and by trying to put on I mean wearing as a hat) and shakes it out and then tries to put it on again. It is funny the things they notice.

Both Havana and Jonah are so much fun to watch. She has started giving Jonah kisses a lot and he has started "talking" and laughing so much. It is fun to see what things make him laugh.

Since this blog post isn't going to just be about the kids like the normal monthly update (remember I'm trying to get better at blogging and not just more frequent posts of the same thing...) I'll move on.

I had a pretty good day today. On days Jason is home in the morning he always takes care of Havana so I can sleep in. Today was one of those mornings and it is really refreshing to wake up on my own rather than a child waking me up!

I will admit that over the past few days I've been acting very "girly." I have not liked anything about my appearance lately... I really hate when I get like this... I feel as if I'm looking old! I don't like my hair, nails, glasses, clothes, etc. In fact, the other day I tried on all my clothes and literally donated anything that I put that didn't make me feel pretty when I wore it. Let's just say I have A LOT of room in my closet now. Ha.

Jason always deals with me so well when I get like this. I am lucky to be married to a man that I KNOW, without a doubt, that he thinks I'm the most beautiful person in the world. I love that. The other day I said to him, "Before I had Jonah I was a size 4. Now I'm a size 8. You know what that means, right?" (I was meaning to imply that I'm going to need to buy new clothes) - however his response was a sincere, "Oh, so that explains why you are so beautiful." He's sweet. He also made me laugh yesterday because I was able to get my eyebrows waxed - a much needed task - and I was going through all the things I didn't like about my appearance and he said, "But, you like your eyebrows, right? I mean you have to like those - we just paid for them." :) I did laugh to that!

I love laughing. My favorite is the big belly laugh where I can't breath and end up with not only hurting sides, but a case of the hiccups. You know I've enjoyed myself if I hiccup after laughing. :) Jason makes me laugh pretty much all the time - even when I'm upset with him. Last week we were on each other's nerves (well, he was on mine and I'm assuming I was on his as well...) and we were in our bathroom brushing our teeth and he said something that annoyed me and so I snapped, "well, I'm glad we are friends tonight." He said, "Oh, me too! I'm feeling very friendly. I like being friends." His tone was playful and it made me laugh. :) He's a funny man and I love that when we're in our 80s, he'll still be making me laugh! Yay for belly laughter.

How's that for a different post?


  1. Shawn has an annoying habit of making me laugh when I'm mad at him too. Sometimes I want to be upset with him so badly but I can't help but giggle.

  2. Ha! I SO know how you feel!!! Jason always makes me laugh when I'm mad at him. Then I laugh and say, "I'm serious" which just sounds so funny that I laugh harder. Or I'll say, "I'm really upset about this" and he'll say, "Well, how upset can you be if you are laughing?!" So fun and frustrating! :)
