Sunday, July 19, 2015

4 years old selah

dear Selah, 

Today was your fourth birthday... And I'm not going to lie, my heart is kind of sad right now. Time is slipping away and you are growing up so fast! I can't believe that it has already been 4 years since God entrusted you to our care! You are such a sweet and spunky girl and (scary enough) you remind me so much of myself! You have lots of emotions and words. You enjoy laughing and being the center of attention. You have these moments where you are so sweet and giving and maternal to your siblings (especially Asa). I am so proud of you and who you are becoming. 

This past year you became a big sister... Again! You've done really well with the addition of Heze... You don't really like his spit-ups, but you're doing well with him. You started dance and were even in your first recital. You danced to Spoon Full of Sugar! The minimum age is 4, but they let you go at 3 and you did awesome! And by awesome I mean you waived at daddy the whole time. :) 

Your favorites change often but right now your favorite color is Yellow and when I ask you what your favorite thing to play is you say, "with you." You enjoy singing "you are the only king forever" and "glory arise" which you call, "glory stills" You still sleep with your This (which you call Dis) and are freakishly good at memory. You love to dance and play cat and dress up! You enjoy watching Frozen and Octonauts. You are a sweet and special girl. 

You hd a special day with church, a pizza party at church (Silvermist theme), and presents. Tomorrow, you get to go on a date with daddy and mommy. 

Lately you have been on our hearts so we have been praying for you! Praying that God will captivate your heart and your will delight in Him! I pray that you will obey and be close to Him all of your life! he loves you so much, Selah Cadence, and I can't wait to see what He is going to do in and through you!


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