Saturday, May 16, 2015

5th birthday letter

Dear Jonah! 

I cannot believe you are five! It is such a cliche, but it is very true that it feels like just yesterday you were born! 

I am so proud of the boy you are becoming! You are funny and take lots of pride in bringing everyone to laughter. You seem to be in your element when you are the center of attention and you are doing silly things! I often find myself correcting you and telling you to "control your energies" but at the same time I am trying to remember that being funny is important to you. I just hope you can learn. To real it in when necessary. :). 

You've thrived this year. It's been fun to watch you be the oldest on the days Havana goes to school. You also have become very interested in school: what it means to go to school and important information such as your letters and numbers. You can count to one hundred and you know most of the letters and the sounds they make. 

Your daddy and I have gone back and forth on what to do about school for you next year. We can argue a case for why should go to Kindergarten next year and also for why we should wait until you are six. We have prayed and discussed, and have not felt a clear answer. I recently thought that perhaps it is because I'm not trusting God to take care of you. I feel like it is my job to keep you safe and make the best decision for you when really, I need to trust God to take care of you  whether we send you or wait. So, as we move forward, I am praying that God will prepare your heart for whatever the future holds for you. 

This past year you have continued with Karate! You are now an orange belt and and just this past week you were the only kid in the class still standing at attention at the end of the 30-second challenge. I am so proud of you. For the last testing cycle you were supposed to teach the class you loved to do the right forearm block! You also had trouble saying "ax kick"  which sounded a little like... Well, you can figure it out. :) 

Speaking. of speech, you have a funny way of taking. You mix up some of your letters. For example, "marshmallow" is "smarshmallow" and "poor unfortunate soul" is "for unportiante souls". 

You're favorite song right now is "you are the only king forever" which you love to scream it at the top of your lungs and play the drums and sing into a pretend microphone. We love watching you praise Jesus and I often wonder if that will be His calling in your life. 

You're very kind to your siblings often running to get them ice packs or their favorite toy if they are crying. You often talk about when you are going to be a daddy and I want you to know that I know you will be an excellent daddy some day! :) 

You still love David and Goliath.. Which makes me so happy to know how Much you love God's word. You also love Jospeh, Daniel, and Jonah... So I always pray that you to know that God created you to be a hero too! 

For your birthday, you asked for a David and Goliath theme. We acted out the scene and you enjoyed it. For our date, we went to CHuck-E-Cheese, toys R us, and Chick-fil-a where you told a girl you could help her up the slide because you are five now! :) 

This year you were a ring bearer, watched the Incredibles and loved being dash. You are into super heroes and coloring and Legos! You still enjoy fire tucks and trains from time to time! :) 

I'm so proud of you, Jonah. I love you. You delight my heart and are such a special person. God has a purpose for you! Don't forget that.. I'm excited to watch him work in you and use you!

Love you! 

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