Friday, April 10, 2015

Dear Asa

Well, today is April 10th, which means you turned two a few months ago. I am sorry I am late in your birthday letter. I think part of my delay is simply not knowing what to write. What do I say to a little toddler who has captured my heart? Your boyish nature and fun-loving demeanor make you a complete joy. Your curls... oh your curls... and your smile. I love everything about being your mother.

During this past year you learned how to walk (last April) and went on a vacation to Disney World. You transitioned from a bottle to a sippy cup to now a big boy cup. You left behind your booster seat and you sit in a chair like everyone else. Truly, you've grown up so much. You also became a big brother... which I was very worried about as you were never very nice or welcoming to other babies that came over to play. With Hezekiah, however, you have become very smitten. From day one you are always giving him your toys and running over and giving him kisses. I firmly believe God gave you a heart for him and it is so sweet to watch.

You had quite the love affair with your pacifier (which you call "boppish") and we had to cut you from it cold turkey just a couple of weeks ago. It was heartbreaking to hear you scream for it, but after three nights, you were fine! It was getting out of hand because you would sneak it out of your bed and then cover your mouth with a toy so that I wouldn't see you with it. Funny, sneaky, little one.

It was kind of keeping you from exploring your words, but now that it is gone you are really trying hard to communicate. You came up with a nickname for Selah, "Say-Whale-Lee" and we've all kind of adopted it although she isn't a big fan of it. You refuse to be left behind and I love that about you. :)

I cut your hair the other night too! It was getting so long and everyone was thinking you were a girl. I hated doing it, but then a babysitter told me that she said, "I like your hair cut, Asa." And you said, "Yeah, mama did it." So, now I'm glad that we have that special bond.

You're really good at saying "cop it" (for stop it) when I'm singing or giving you too many kisses. You also are funny when you push my face away and say, "go away" when I'm smothering you. It's hard not to kiss you too much. You're such a cool boy. The other day it was just you and me down in the basement and we played in the tent and with the trains and every game was initiated and thought up by you. You are the only 2 year old who can play hide-n-go-seek with perfection. :)

I'm looking forward to what this year has in store for you! I love you, big boy!


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