Friday, August 22, 2014

Selah is Three

Dear Selah, 

In July, you turned three years old! I can't believe it. You asked for a Sophia the First birthday party and we gave you a My Little Pony Bike to ride since you were always jealous of Havana and Jonah's bikes. 

You are a sweet and sassy little girl. I so love your spirit and pray that God will use your unique personality to make a mark on this world. You like things your way (who doesn't) and you enjoy making people laugh. You often refer to me as, "silly goose" and your baby dolls as "my sweeties" -- you have a heart of gold. 

This year you enjoyed a vacation to Disney World where you were able to meet Cinderella, your favorite princess. You had several rounds of the stomach bug and had to endure a hard night in a hotel where mommy smashed your toe with the door. 

Your cry is heartbreaking, but it is funny. We judge how serious your injury is based on how long it takes you to let out the scream. You will open your mouth, but if you are truly hurt, it will be at least a minute before any sounds come out of your mouth. 

You love hanging out with your siblings, going to Chuck-E-Cheese, and your Sunday School class. Your teachers, Mr. Danny and Ms. Sara, just love you. It always warms my heart to see them give you special attention and make over you so much. Sara once told me, "We all love her in class. We've never seen her upset." I told her that you do get upset, but that you are still cute. ;) 

You have had a love affair with milk. We joke that you don't eat anything, but that you live off of milk alone. Your favorite color is yellow and you like to watch paw patrol, frozen, and the fresh beat band. You love to dance and learned havana's complete dance recital. We told you that you could take a class once you turned three and so we will have to look into that soon. :) 

You were part of a wednesday night program at a nearby church called "Foxter Friends" and you loved Foxter! It was certainly a highlight for you. 

I love being your mommy and I can't wait to see what God does in your life this next year. 

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