Friday, March 29, 2013

Playing Catch up...

Well, it has been a while since I have posted on this blog. I've been trying so hard to keep my marriage blog active that this one has taken a back seat - fear not, I have been keeping a running tab on my phone of all the cute happenings.

Jonah: Mommy, Do you have a penis?
Me: No
Jonah: well, why not?  

Jonah walks into the room holding up his finger: Mama, I need a towel.
Me: why
Jonah: Tucker's penis is wet.
Me: Don't touch Tucker's penis.... let's go wash your hands.

Me: Jonah, Your turn is up.
Jonah: No, my turn is down.
(I forget how literal they take things...)

One day I was cleaning the bathroom and I had told the children not to throw toys down from Havana's bed. Havana walks into the bathroom to tattle on Jonah who is throwing stuffed animals. I told her, "Havana, you really shouldn't tattle... why don't you use encouraging words and tell Jonah that he should obey."  I don't know when she walked out of the bathroom because next thing I know I hear her shout in a cheery voice, "Great Job, Jonah! Way to throw those animals down."
HAHAHAHAHA. I think she walked out after I told her to use encouraging words. So cute!!!!

With our children - everything is plural. It isn't, "Can I have a cup of milk?" it is "Can I have a cup of milks?" My kids don't eat cereal in the morning - they eat cereals. I don't know why this is, but everything is plural.

Every night when I tuck Havana in I always say, "Do you know that I love you? Do you know that I love being your mama?" Well, one night she surprised me and instead of simply saying yes, she said, "Mama, do you know that we always love being your children?" -- Ah! My heart exploded. 

At Dinner we play "The Bible Game" which is where we think of someone in the Bible, give clues about them, and then others at the table have to guess. Well, one day Havana impressed me when she said this, "I'm thinking of someone in the Bible who is very strong, and he died on the cross, and he lives in our hearts." I answered Jesus, but was impressed with how the Gospel really clicked with her. She has such a heart for God's Word!

Jonah loves to pretend to be Goliath. Every once in a while he will be David, but for the most part it is Goliath. He will clomp around in girly high heels, but claim he is Goliath because he is so tall. (Havana keeps telling him that Goliath is 90 feet high and I keep correcting her that he is 9 feet tall. Slight difference).

Jonah is also very into firefighters. He wears a baseball hat about 24/7 (he sleeps with it - not joking) and he calls it his "fire hat" -- he always pretends he is driving a fire truck, going to the fire station, or putting out a fire. It is cute to watch him be in his own little world.

A few weeks ago we moved Jonah from a crib to a toddler bed. He loves it. He has yet to get out. He calls his bed a fire truck. He also has a toy bus in his bed. He calls it his bed bus which I think is cute because it is similar to bed bug.

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