Sunday, March 18, 2012


Dear H,

You are amazing! I find such joy and satisfaction in being your mommy. You are so special and God created you for such a specific purpose.

You remind me so much of myself - which at times I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. ;) You love to walk on your toes just as I did and the suspense of surprises eats you up... just like me. The other night after dinner daddy was telling you that I was going to take you somewhere in the morning and you kept trying to guess and finally you yelled, "Tell us, mama, Tell us!" Your daddy and I began laughing so hard because that is just how I respond to surprises as well!

You also have learned my name, "Darby," but you are unsure whose name it is. As I was doing your hair one morning I asked you if you knew your whole name and you said "Yes, Havana Darby Dugger" -- not quite. When I said that your middle name was Corynne you said, "Havana Corynne Dugger, NO!" -- so apparently you only associate that name with getting in trouble! :)

I know I've said it before, but your imagination is so much fun to watch. I love watching you play with your animals and being a "mommy" to your babies. In fact, the other day I walked in and you had one of your baby dolls in your shirt and you were pretending to have a baby in your belly. You pretend to go to work where you work with Dr. Howell (your pediatrician) to make sad people happy again. I think this came from when I told you your daddy is a DR like Dr. Howell and that he helps sick people feel happy. :) One night you stood up on your chair and you exclaimed, "I am a magical princess and I have a magic wand!" Where do you get this stuff?

You are also getting sneaky in your old age. :) You saw some candy on my desk and I told you that you were not allowed to have it. All of a sudden you said, "Mommy, I want you to go over there." (and you pointed to the other room). I asked why and you simply said, "Mommy, I want you to go bye bye! Go over there, please." (and again you pointed to the other room). I knew you were wanting the candy and so I grabbed it and left and I watched you as you looked all over my desk for it. Sneaky little girl! :)

You are such an incredible big sister. You love playing with Jonah and smiling at Selah. You are very good about giving toys gently to Selah and giving me a play by play of your conversations with Jonah. You came into my room the other day and said, "Jonah said, 'Let's build a tower!' and I said, 'no, I cannot build a tower right now.'" I love hearing these conversations replayed back to me. You also help Jonah pronounce words. In the backseat of the car you will say, "Jonah, say Basket-Ball."

You are not only a good little teacher, but you're a good little mommy.  Selah knocked her bottle off of her high chair and you said, "Selah, that isn't a good heart when we throw our cup down." And then that evening she was crying and you said, "Selah, that's enough!" Hm, those sound familiar... just like things mommy says to you! ;)

You are feeling like a big girl these days! I think you are ready to be older than three because I asked you your age the other day and you said, "I'm three- no, wait, I changed my mind - I'm 4!" Before I know it you will be four, but for now I'm enjoying every day with you my sweet three year old! I love you bunches!

Hide-N-Seek Champ!

Sitting on your mat for dance class!

1 comment:

  1. I just caught up on the last few months of your posts. Your family makes me laugh!
